Looking for a clean and disinfect office? The office space over the years has provided a conducive working environment for employees. In many organizations and businesses, offices are places where employees collaborate among themselves and engage in various projects. Offices also provide a place for shared resources like computers, desks, copier machines, and joint tea surfaces.
Clean Means Healthy
In these shared spaces and surfaces, it is highly likely that viral pathogens spread quickly from one individual to another. These pathogens comprise 90% of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections that are spread through coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces for more on URTI and how it spreads read Impact of a hygiene intervention on virus spread in an office building.
By cleaning and disinfecting the office, this infection can be prevented. Cleaning entails dusting, sweeping, wiping various surfaces using water, soap and a disinfectant. When most employees become sick, they cannot work and therefore stay at home, which hurts business.
Cleaning and disinfecting your office is, therefore, crucial for your health, for your employees, and for good business outcomes. Here are seven to clean and disinfect your office:
Have a Plan for Cleaning and Disinfecting your Office
Identify the various surfaces that require cleanings, such as furniture, carpets, desktops, floor surfaces, windows, sanitary, fittings, keyboards, and computers. Identify the various cleaning methods like dusting, vacuum, sweeping. Gather all the necessary tools and equipment that you will need, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as the cleaning detergents and the disinfectants.
Cleaning products and Disinfectants help to clean the contaminated surface and kill germs. Some equipment to use read more 25 Best Cleaning Office Equipment images | Cleaning, Clean office, Office equipment
Wear the Personal Protective Equipment when Cleaning and Disinfecting your Office
Personal Protective Equipment protects you from infection; the PPE can range from gloves, boots, face masks to full head to toe gear. Disposable PPEs like gloves should never be reused. Once used, they should be disposed of appropriately. For more see Commercial Cleaning Equipment, Office & Industrial Cleaning Supplies
Clean your Office Using Detergent and Water
There are hard surfaces like desktops, carpets, windows, doorknobs that can be cleaned using soap and water. Soap and water is the most effective way to clean such surfaces and remove germs.
Some surfaces might require you to use friction due to their rough texture, others might be smooth, and a gentle wipe will do. When cleaning using soap and water, use the one-way method. Places that are frequently overlooked like doorknobs can be a dangerous breeding ground for bacteria.
Cleaning Color-coded Materials
Any curtains or cloths in an office need to be cleaned. Before cleaning, arrange them in the various color codes and wash separately with soap and water. Be sure to check the cleaning instructions on the label of the cloth to avoid damage. Read more Cross Out Contamination by Color Coding Microfiber
Disinfect Surfaces Your Office Surfaces
Disinfect the surfaces using the appropriate disinfectant and allow the disinfectant to remain on the area for a while. Before using any disinfectant or detergent, make sure you read the instructions on how to use it. Some disinfectants might need you to dilute first before use or take extra precautions.
Clean Electronics in your Office
Electronics cannot be cleaned using soap and water, but they need to be cleaned anyway. Keyboards can be dusted using a dry brush do remove any dust particles. Copier machines, printers, and other electronic devices can be cleaned using a dry cloth.
Maintain Hygiene Practices
High standards of hygiene keep your office clean for a longer period of time. Post signs on hand washing and drying and provide soap and water at designated locations to encourage frequent hand washing.
Frequently disposing of waste appropriate helps to keep the office clean. Do not wait for the wastebasket to fill up, dispose of garbage as often as possible.
Simple Steps But Great Results
Using these simple but essential cleaning steps will go along way to ensure a safer and cleaner working environment. Keeping your office clean and well disinfected to keep germs away is right for your health and for your business as well.
A clean office is a sure way to ensure that valuable time is not used to visit the hospital to treat preventable diseases. The simple soap and water and some detergent can help avoid all this.
Proper use of cleaning products, detergents, and disinfectant helps to maintain hygiene and even give you a good after clean smell. A well cleaned and disinfected office gives a good image to your business or organization.